
Archive for March, 2012|Monthly archive page

Micah Light

In Life on March 16, 2012 at 10:10 am

Monday morning Jodi had a regular Dr. appointment. I had been texting with her about how I wished I could be there to hear the heartbeat. [Who wouldn’t rather hear a little baby heartbeat instead of sitting in a cubical at work on a Monday.] Jodi agreed to record the heartbeat with her phone so I could listen to it later. A little time passed when she sent a text that they couldn’t hear the heartbeat with the monitor so they were going to do an ultrasound and that I should probably come home. Once I was driving I called and stayed on while she went in for the ultrasound. Hoping and praying that everything was ok. Then I heard Jodi softly say, “there’s no heartbeat.”
Since that moment our life has changed. The days have been doctors, hospital, funeral home, trying to rest, trying to figure out what to do.
Jodi’s sisters Margee & Melinda were able to come down right away. They were a huge help. Many of our friends have been a great support with offers of meals, child care, ect. We have felt loved.
We do not know yet if Micah was a boy or girl, we may never know. We do not know yet what went wrong, we may never really know that either. What we do know is our baby is in the care of our Lord. It makes us more aware that life is precious. That there are no guarantees. We have three amazing boys, who are full of life. We are thankful.